Finished work
Drawing from the customer
Drawing from the customer

High pressure chamber

2 months

The customer asked to produce sapphire glass (MS_03_01).

During the negotiations, it became clear that the windows were required for the manufacture of a specialized high-pressure chamber - a “high-pressure cell”.

The customer, not having his own production base, planned to order individual elements from different manufacturers and carry out the final assembly himself. However, any inaccuracy of one of the counterparties at the stage of calculations, design, manufacturing, assembly or testing could lead to irreparable consequences.

We offered the Customer a full cycle of work:

  • preliminary sketches;
  • compiling a set of design documentation (MS_02_SB);
  • carrying out strength calculations;
  • manufacturing a complete high-pressure chamber and testing it.

At the design stage, a digital twin of the camera was created and its behavior was simulated when operating under real conditions: elevated temperatures and pressures, environments of various gases. This made it possible to create a reliable design: select the correct chamber material, select the optimal shape of the product, and determine the required wall thickness.

How much does sapphire crystal cost?

As a result, the Customer was offered various options for manufacturing the chamber, taking into account the strength characteristics of the materials and manufacturability (round cell, rectangular cell). Then the rectangular chamber chosen by the Customer was manufactured and successful tests were carried out, which confirmed the high qualifications and professionalism of our specialists. The entire cycle of work from the moment of requesting sapphire glass to manufacturing and testing of the high-pressure chamber (high-pressure cell) took less than 2 months.

Find out prices for sapphire glass and the production of a high-pressure chamber using it by calling +7 (496) 527-35-91, +7 (496) 527-35-95, +7 (496) 527-35-96 or by email mail rostox-n@yandex.ru.